to Indonesian

NUMBER SE-23/BC/2007




Following the issuance of Regulations of the Minister of Finance Number 75/PMK.011/2007 dated July 3, 2007 concerning Stipulation of Tariffs of Import Duty on Imported Goods in the Framework of ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AK-FTA) and Number 131/PMK.011/2007 dated October 30, 2007 concerning the Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 75/PMK.011/2007 concerning Stipulation of Tariffs of Import Duty in the Framework of ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AK-FTA) as well as in order to execute the Regulations of the Minister of Finance, we hereby provide technical guidelines as follows:

1. Definition

In this Circular, referred to of:

2. Products included into tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA

Products included into the tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA are regulated in Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 75/PMK.011/2007 dated July 3, 2007, The Regulation of the Minister of Finance stipulates the imposition of prefere9tial import duty tariff f on each product.

For certain products at remark column from the attachment to Regulation of the Minister of Finance there is asterisk (*).

Mean of the asterisk sign that the burden of preferential tariff shall not take effect for import goods from Korea. On import goods that are asterisk sign from Korea is subjected the general tariff burden (MFN).

The charge of general entrance customs tariff is a realization of reciprocities principle (both sides principle) because Korea is grouping the goods in goods list of Sensitive Track (ST) or Highly Sensitive Track (HSL) while Indonesia is grouping in Normal Track.

On import goods from Indonesia at Korea is subjected the general tariff burden, not preferential tariff. Because Korea is regulating the general entrance customs tariff, than according with Agreement on Trade in Goods ASEAN-Korea that had been ratified with Regulation of the President Number 12 of 2007, Indonesia is allowed to execute the reciprocities principle by subjecting the general entrance customs tariff on goods from Korea that is imported to Indonesia.

3. Certificate of Origin (SKA)

4. Execution of tariff preferential scheme

Tariff preferential scheme in the framework of ASEAN-Korea FTA is given with the provision:

5. Things that importers need to execute

Importer accepts the original form of Form AK for the imported goods in the framework of tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA. Next for the import settlement, the importer prepares:

5.1. PIB.

The filling of PIB columns is executed by following the filling guidance as has been regulated at Decision of the Minister of Finance Number 101/KMK.05/ 1997, excluding for column 19, 32, and 34 is written/ told as follow:


Import goods in the form of AC air cooler machine, separate model (split system) the tariff post 8415.10.00.00, general entrance customs was 15% (BTBMI 2007). In the framework of ASEAN-Korea FTA, based on the Regulation of Minister of Finance Number 75/PMK.011/2007 dated July 3, 2007, the preferential entrance customs was 8%.

The goods was fulfilled the requirement to be given the tariff preferential facility with the proof of Form AK that was signed by the authorized functionary. column 34 concerning tariff and facility was filled as follow.

The amount of general entrance customs tariff (MFN) of related import goods according to BTBMI.

Then was written “BBS” was followed with “dispensation percentage” to obtain the preferential entrance customs tariff of ASEAN-Korea FTA.

34. Tarif & Fasilitas
- BM – PPN – PPnBM
- Cukai – PPh
BM: 15% BBS 46,66%
Cukai: -
PPN: 10%
PPnBM: -
PPh: 2,5%


Number 46,66% is obtained by formula:

(General entrance customs (15%) - preferential entrance customs (8%)) / General entrance customs x 100% = 46,66%

d. Import Duty is calculated and paid according to the entrance customs tariff in the framework of the preferential of ASEAN-Korea FTA that is regulated by Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 75/PMK.011/2007 dated July 3, 2007.

5.2. Form AK

Original sheet of Form AK for related import goods is enclosed at PIB and delivered to KPPBC at goods entrance.

6. Examination and decision of official stipulating the tariff

Official stipulating the tariff, which accepts PIB enclosed with Form AK undertake administrative examination as follow:

6.1. PIB.

6.2. Form AK.

than the Functionary that stipulates the tariff gives the tariff preferential. Next, the Functionary that stipulates the tariff gives the note regarding the preferential giving at Form AK of original sheet at column 4 (for official use) and sign it. The note in the form V at the stipulated box is at column number 4 of Form AK.

|        |Preferential Treatment Not Given
|        |(Please State reason/s)

Jakarta, July 1, 2007
(name and signature)
Import Specialist of Customs District Office of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
Signature of Authorized Signatory of the Importing Country


While, if the research result is showing that the tariff preferential scheme can not be given, than the Functionary stipulates the tariff:


4. For Official Use

l     l Preferential Treatment Given Under ASEAN-China Free Trade Area Preferential Tariff

l  v  l Preferential Treatment Not Given (Please State reason/s)

Sample of reason:

Jakarta, July 1, 2007
(name and sign)
Import Specialist of Customs District Office of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
Signature of Authorized Signatory of the Importing Country

Form AK that has been given the rejection note of tariff preferential giving at the copy and original sheet is sent to the publisher country at least two months since the date of tariff stipulation, while the copy sheet is enclosed/attached at PIB.

Specially for the research result that is showing the legalization of doubtful Form AK, than the Functionary stipulates the tariff:

Next in case the decision has been obtained from the Central Office of DJBC on the matter that:

7. Settlement process of Form AK legalization is doubted at Technical Directorate of Customs

After the file of the matter of Form AK legalization is accepted, the Technical Director of Customs executes the re research steps as stipulated in Rule 14 and 15 of Operational Certification Procedures for the Rules of Origin of the ASEAN-Korea FTA, is tells, the publisher country of SKA to execute retroactive check and if needs to visit the country to execute the verification visit. The result of retroactive check or verification visit is in the form of the giving decision or rejection of tariff preferential of ASEAN-Korea FTA. The decision is immediately delivered to the Functionary that stipulates the tariff at KPU or KPPBC to be followed up.

8. Restitution

Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 75/ PMK.011/2007 dated July 3, 2007 regarding the Stipulation of Tariffs of Import Duty on Imported Goods in the framework of ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AK-FTA) and Number 131/PMK.O11/2007 dated October 30, 2007 regarding the Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 75/PMK.011/2007 regarding Stipulation of Tariffs of Import Duty in the framework of ASEANKorea Free Trade Area (AK-FTA) applies to imported goods having PIB already securing registration number from KPU or KPPBC in the entry port since the effective date of the Regulation of Minister of Finance , July 1, 2007, the goods imported from Korea and ASEAN countries as from July 1, 2007, which fulfill the requirements to obtain the tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA, shall be given restitution of import duty. Technical Guidelines for restitution of import duty are in accordance with the effective provisions.

Especially for restitution of import duty in the framework of tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA the application is completed with the original form of Form AK or that has been given the stamp CERTIFIED TRUE COPY. Needs to be attention that the column 19 of PIB does not fill with the facility code of tariff preferential and reference number of Form AK can not become the reason to not serve the returning application.

9. Audit of Bookkeeping

KWBC and KPU verify and audit of bookkeeping of the importation with tariff preferential scheme in the framework of ASEAN-Korea FTA with the purpose to assure that the transaction and the entire of bookkeeping related with the transaction show that the related imported goods come from ASEAN-Korea.

In case the result of the audit of booking showing that the imported goods do not come from ASEAN-Korea and/or the legalization of Form AK is doubtful, KPU and KPPBC executes the following steps:

9.1. KPU

9.2. KWBC

10. Reporting

According to Rule of Origin ASEAN-Korea FTA, each member country of ASEAN-Korea FTA importing goods by using the tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA is obliged to make the usage report of Form AK. The reported substance is the quantity of Form AK which are accepted, number of HS tariff post (4 digit) and value of CIF in US dollar. The report is made every 3 (three) months, and sent to Secretariat ASEAN to be compiled.

Form of the report as follow:

PORT OF ENTRIES (NAME OF PORT) ................
TOTAL TRADE VALUE OF COs: ..............

1 2 3 4


- Column:

- COs is abbreviation to Certificate of Origins (Form AK).

The provision regarding the procedure of report making of Form AK usage shall be furthermore regulated by itself.

11. Other of goods

Form AK that is filled with more than of one type

If in one Form AK there is more than one type of goods, and the research result shows that is a matter at one or more of type of goods can be used as the reason to not give the tariff preferential to another type of goods at Form AK.

12.Attachment to Circulation Letter

Enclosed is in this Circulation Letter, sample of Form AK that is used in the framework of tariff preferential scheme of ASEAN-Korea FTA.

This is for implementation in a full sense of responsibility.

The Director General,
NIP 120050332